Art by Dinnerliver on Toyhouse
The Sacred Decree are the rules all colonies must follow. The Decree is split into two parts- the Divine Laws, the rules put into place by the gods themselves, and the colony Laws, the rules agreed upon by the colonies.
Law of Festivals - Anyone can participate in a festival, and will be treated as equals regardless of origin. Those wishing to join the colonies during this time are to be allowed to do so without fear of rejection or ridicule.
Law of Loyalty - A cat will not become the pet of a tall one, or take an outsider as a spouse.
Law of the Divine - Wars will not be waged on the behalf of the gods, neither in their honor nor to protect their word.
Law of Trials - All cats are entitled to participate in the Seasonal Trials, and are not to be stopped or obstructed by any cat or colony, except those also challenging the trial.
Law of Bygones - A cat who finds themself bound by circumstance or fate is permitted to break the Sacred Decree, if no other option is available; This law may only be invoked and verified by an oracle.
Law of Succession - A colony's commander must be dead before the Seasonal Trials can be attempted. An advisor may take over the position if the commander is unwell, missing, or unable to lead, but will not inherit the title.
Law of the Fair Fight - A colony will never use sabotage, subterfuge, or manipulation to fight their battles.
Law of Life - All things are entitled to life beyond mere survival. One will not kill needlessly, cat or otherwise, or intentionally harm one's quality of life.
Law of Punishment - A commander will not resort to using cruel or violent punishments, or justify a harsher punishment using religious or personal reasons.
Law of Innocence - A colony is not responsible if a cat harmed or killed on their territory, unless proof is given within three days that the cat was purposefully or intentionally attacked.